My Global Git Aliases
You know you can create your own git commands right? Git supports custom aliases. They rock.
The hello world examples are just creating shortcuts for existing commands.
git config --global checkout
Simple, right?You can put global aliases in your user Git config file: ~/.gitconfig
You can also put them in the config file for a given repository: project/.git/config
Here's a list of mine.
Safe pull. Always does a fetch, but only updates your local branch if you can fast forward. As easy way to make sure you don't create a merge with upstream due to local weirdness.
sp = pull --ff-only
git sp
Fetch all. Fetch all remotes for this repository. Used a lot when I have an upstream branch and my fork.
fa = fetch --all
git fa
Grep with a simple string match. See the full breakout here. Basically lets my search for simple strings across text files explicitly without regex. Move into a subdirectory and grep will search only that dir and below. Use it constantly.
gp = grep -I -F -n -e
git gp 'void main('
Grep TODOs. Find all instances of TODO. Move into a subdirectory and grep will search only that dir and below.
g2do = grep -n TODO
git g2do
Github! Open the GitHub page for the current repo. Found here. There are a lot of ways to skin this cat. This works for me on mac.
gh = "!open https://github.$(git config remote.origin.url | cut -f2 -d. | tr ':' /)"
git gh
Find file. Exactly what it says. Finds file where any part of the file path matches the provided string.
ff = "!git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | grep -F"
git ff index.html
-- Note, this will include /index.html.haml
and /index.html/resources/foo.png
.Hope you find some of these useful.
Happy hacking!