First Project Shipped: What A Lovely Name

It's official.
After an amazing first collaboration with my friends at Jackson Fish Market, What A Lovely Name has launched.
Thanks to...
- Jenny - what an amazing designer. It was an honor just to be able to set her graphics as div backgrounds.
- Walter - in a word, brilliant. Turned hours of hacking into moments of enlightenment. He's made me a better [ruby|javascript|css|*nix] hacker and a better engineer.
- Hillel convinced me to leave a comfortable job at an insurance company and start my own gig--with a story about half-priced pots. I'm not kidding. I'm not sure I would have done it without his encouragement--or prodding. Looking back over what I've done and what I've learned over the last 4+ months, I couldn't be more grateful.
- MacBook Pro for being an amazing piece of hardware, even if it's not the new one.
- Ruby and Ruby on Rails for challenging my sole devotion to statically typed and compiled languages
- APIDock for being a great Rails reference.
- Haml and Sass for making HTML and CSS fun
- Prototype and for some amazing Javascript tools
- ImageMagick for server-side dynamic image generation
- ssh - I now know how people on Unix get things done
- git (and for a while Subversion) for version control.
- pngcrush for making small pngs
- Capistrano for making deployment easy
- Mac Ports for making it scary easy to install unix tricks on a mac
- Firebug for debugging everything. Amazing.
- Firebox for having an extensibility story that supports things like Firebug
- Safari for being more stable and more standards-compliant than Firefox a lot of the time
- VMWare for letting me test IE7 compat without a Windows box
- IE8 for emulating IE7 so nicely with something approaching reasonable dev tools
- SliceHost for, well, hosting
- TextMate for being an amazing editor
- Skype and Adium for helping me stay in touch
- Online Coffee Company for keeping me caffeinated